Tips for Riding in a Taxi with Your Infant


Whether you're visiting New York, Chicago, or any of the other major metropolitan cities across America, chances are you will jump in a taxi cab at least once to reach your next tourist destination. According to Parents, most states in America, with the exception of California and a few others, do not require you place your infant in a car seat while riding in a taxi. However, just because it isn't breaking the law doesn't mean you shouldn't place your infant's safety above everything else. Here are a few tips to help you safely and wisely ride in a taxi with your infant:

Preparing for Your Journey

Before you call for a taxi, it is vital to properly prepare for the journey ahead. Begin by calling the cab company to inquire whether they provide car seats. In some states where there are taxi-cab car-seat laws, the driver might not provide a seat. If this is the case, ask a family member or friend you are visiting to borrow a seat or pick up an inexpensive seat at a department store.

Try to find a car-seat model that is easy to install. Read the directions thoroughly so you are prepared to install the seat when the cab driver arrives, and if you have time, practice installing the car seat so you have an idea of how it works.

This may seem like an unnecessary expense, but remember, your baby's safety is the most important thing. Once you're done with the seat, you can try to bring it home and sell it, give it to a friend, or donate it to a worthy charity in your area.

Next, make sure that you pack properly for all of your baby's needs in the taxi. For example, if you are traveling during the colder months, bring along an extra blanket because the cab might be chilly.

It is always better to call ahead and request a taxi rather than try to hail one. Let the driver know you are traveling with an infant and that you will be installing a car seat. This isn't always required by the cab company, but it is just more courteous for the busy driver and their schedule.

Getting in the Taxi

Before the cab arrives, buckle your baby inside the car seat. This will help ensure you keep an eye on the baby at all times, and it will make the process of installing the seat that much quicker. Make your way to the sidewalk in front of your hotel a few minutes before the taxi cab arrives. Ask the driver to pop the trunk and store your stroller, diaper bag, and other essentials first, and keep your baby with you.

Once the taxi arrives, ask the driver on which side they prefer you install the car seat. As quickly as possible, install the car seat on the preferred side, and once you're done, quickly hop in the other side and get ready to enjoy the ride.

Hopping out of the Cab

Once your ride is finished, pay the fare and tip your driver first. Next, uninstall the car seat as quickly as possible and pull it out of the cab. With the car seat in tow, grab everything out of the trunk and tap on the side of the cab to let the driver know they are free to go.

Getting around to see the sights in a metropolitan area might seem daunting, especially if you have a baby. However, with a little preparation and an inexpensive car seat, it is possible to navigate the big city without compromising your baby's safety. 

Call companies like White Top Cab Company in advance to find out if they have any particular policies concerning babies and car seats. 


24 October 2016

The Perfect Vehicle

Several months ago, my wonderful spouse decided we should sell one of our vehicles. At first I was worried about how we would both get around, but his main goal with this plan was to start utilizing more public transportation. Ultimately I agreed that this was a good plan, though I was still concerned with using public transit as I hadn't had many experiences with it in the past. This blog is all about the benefits and advantages of transportation besides your own personal vehicles. You actually might be surprised by how easy it is to use other transportation methods!